Moon Knight episode 3 aired today and it was amazing. Not just visually beautiful, but perfectly balanced with action and a fantastic story. But there was something different in this episode. We saw our usual favourites, as Marc Spector and Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac) are slowly coming to terms with sharing the body and working together. But there seems to be another identity at play, and we haven’t seen him yet.

If you’re a fan of the comics, you might already know. And if you’ve existed on the internet in the last couple of months, you may have heard the name ‘Jake Lockley’ thrown around. But who is he? Where does he come from? And how does he fit into the Moon Knight story?

Jake Lockley in Marvel Spotlight Issue #28
One of the first appearances of Jake Lockley in Marvel Spotlight issue #28 (1976)

A Street Smart Cabbie

We first get a glimpse of Jake Lockley in issues #28-#29 of Marvel Spotlight (June/August 1976). He is an alias of mercenary Marc Spector, along with his other alter ego of millionaire Steven Grant. Jake Lockley is a cab driver in New York, and in the early comics, this identity is used to gather information from the streets and diners of New York, mostly using his friendship with Bertrand Crawley and Gina Landers.

The alias of Jake Lockley has been a feature in all comic book iterations of Moon Knight since. Eventually, as Marc Spector started to struggle with managing all of these identities – along with his connection to Egyptian God of the Moon Khonshu – they all began to become less and less an alter ego, and more a combination of personality states.

While Jake Lockley is a tough New York cab driver, he is the detective side of Marc. He uses his job to gain further information and keeps his ear to the ground to ensure he has all of the details Moon Knight needs. Jake Lockley helps keep Moon Knight one step ahead of the game and helps him get a handle on intel that Marc or Steven might not have access to. He doesn’t always have the best moral compass, and he doesn’t seem to have any issues with looking after himself, but he’s not the most violent personality of Marc.

Jake Lockley in Marvel’s Moon Knight issue #14, 2016-2018
Jake Lockley on a journey of self discovery in Moon Knight #14, (2016-2018)

‘Then Who Was It?’

There are several moments in Moon Knight episode 3 that hint at Jake Lockley making an appearance. Most notably during a fight scene on the rooftops of the city. There are a couple of moments where Marc loses control of the body, and it’s assumed it’s Steven. However, Steven denies this, and we’re left wondering who exactly this could be. Marc and Steven seem just as confused and concerned, so it would seem that Jake is unknown to them at this stage.

Another hint could be Marc’s reluctance to summon the suit when fighting Anton Mogart (the late Gaspard Ulliel) and his trusty henchmen. Marc seems unsure of what to do at first and, as some people have pointed out, the fighting style seems a little bit different. At times, Moon Knight is not quite right.

While all clues are pointing to a Jake Lockley appearance soon, it will be an interesting change from his comic character if he is as violent as suggested in episode 3. Now, changes are made all the time to comic characters – just look at Steven Grant from the gift shop; very different from the suave millionaire that is his comic book counterpart. But to make Jake Lockley the more violent of the identities would also completely change the dynamic of the character.

It’s unclear if Jake will make an appearance, or if there’s a different explanation altogether for the characters’ recent blackouts. However, I’m confident that we’ll see Jake finally join the mix before the series ends.

Moon Knight episodes 1-3 are now streaming on Disney+.

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